Whether it's fantasy or ancient history; real-time strategy or action; education or recreation, you should be able to find something down here. All siege weapons are roughly <1k tris, highly detailed, and also rigged with bones to allow for animation. Rise of Nations-compliant versions also come with their own BHA suite.
Note: content offered below is linked to advertising and is hosted on pCloud servers - we urge you to have patience once you begin a download.

All models below have their available format types separated by bullets. Click "Download" below to download all of them.
Some models made for Rise of Nations (BH3) have animations available to them. Click "BHA" to download animations that are specific to the model.
Some models have different skins. These are represented by the hyperlinks depicted as numbers under each icon, with "A" as the default skin shown in the picture, and "B" as an alternate skin that is however not shown in the images.

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